Let's be jolly, deck the halls with boughs of holly
Time to go to bed already! I have tons of studying to do this weekend, but it'll be done quickly. Hopefully. Now I'm just gonna read and write (diary stuff) and sleeeeeep! Finally. Too bad my bed is freezing.
Too tired to upload the pictures from my cell that I took, so this will suffice until tomorrow morning. Goodnight!
It is now illegal to say "merry Christmas" in Canada. Unbelieveable! They base that on that there are so "many" (12% in Canada) who don't celebrate Christmas, and therefor, if someone would make the mistake to wish any of them a merry Christmas, they're worried they'll be offended. As if I, who do celebrate Christmas, would be offended if someone wished me a happy Hanukka! Must be damn bitter people to be offended by such a thing in that case.
However, it is not illegal to wish someone who doesn't celebrate Hanukka a happy Hanukka. Even though the risk of that happening is way bigger since 88% of all Canadians do celebrate Christmas. But apparently, people who celebrate Hanukka get more easily offended. You are from now on not allowed to say "merry Christmas" in Canada, you shall instead say "happy holidays" or "happy winterbreak". Ridiculous!

For those of you who don't get it (morfar, if you still read this which I strongly doubt);
1 Q = One queue
Plz = Please
w8 = Wait
@ = At (some people think it's called snabela and don't know what at is. No, really.)
lol = Laughing out loud
Too tired to upload the pictures from my cell that I took, so this will suffice until tomorrow morning. Goodnight!
It is now illegal to say "merry Christmas" in Canada. Unbelieveable! They base that on that there are so "many" (12% in Canada) who don't celebrate Christmas, and therefor, if someone would make the mistake to wish any of them a merry Christmas, they're worried they'll be offended. As if I, who do celebrate Christmas, would be offended if someone wished me a happy Hanukka! Must be damn bitter people to be offended by such a thing in that case.
However, it is not illegal to wish someone who doesn't celebrate Hanukka a happy Hanukka. Even though the risk of that happening is way bigger since 88% of all Canadians do celebrate Christmas. But apparently, people who celebrate Hanukka get more easily offended. You are from now on not allowed to say "merry Christmas" in Canada, you shall instead say "happy holidays" or "happy winterbreak". Ridiculous!

For those of you who don't get it (morfar, if you still read this which I strongly doubt);
1 Q = One queue
Plz = Please
w8 = Wait
@ = At (some people think it's called snabela and don't know what at is. No, really.)
lol = Laughing out loud
Postat av: Carole
Men det heter snabel-a....här i Sverige, på ren svenska! At heter det på engelska :-)