vi räknar dagar, räknar år. en skymt av sol, en doft av vår.
Holaaaaa primos! Got home pretty late from the set of The Troop, around like ten o'clock, have been talking for a loooong time with Maria and mom since then. I'm so tired right now I bet I'm gonna fall asleep on the keyboard. I'll tell you all about what happened today at the set tomorrow, I'm way too tired to be able to write right now, but it was sooo much fun. I could do this every day. Most people were complaining about how they wanna go home and how they hate all the waiting and how much their feet hurt. I just love it. I don't mind all the waiting (we came there at eleven in the morning, and weren't needed until three o'clock), it's all worth it and it's not like waiting is boring or anything with all these people around. Yeah, so like I said, I'll tell you everything tomorrow. I just need some sleep right now. I'll upload a whole bunch of pictures I took too, both from the Swedish Centre and some random stuff and from the set.
(The reason why I'm writing in English is because my mom wrote in a comment for me to write in English so that the Canadians will understand it, even though I know that they're translating it all in Google Translate, but we all know how unreliable that is eh.) (Notice how I wrote "eh"? I wasn't thinking about that. I'm turning into a Canadian person.)
Bonne nuit!

My friend Jenna at the set today
(The reason why I'm writing in English is because my mom wrote in a comment for me to write in English so that the Canadians will understand it, even though I know that they're translating it all in Google Translate, but we all know how unreliable that is eh.) (Notice how I wrote "eh"? I wasn't thinking about that. I'm turning into a Canadian person.)
Bonne nuit!

My friend Jenna at the set today